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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I reschedule a missed appointment?

To reschedule a missed or canceled appointment, you can:

  1. Go to our homepage website and select Order Lookup in the upper right corner of the page. Type in your service order number and phone number, or phone number and email address, and then select the Reschedule option to pick your desired date.
  2. You can also call us through our 24/7 active hotline numbers and speak with our customer service for your desired rescheduled date and time. Provide us your transaction number and service order code so we can track if the service is still on.

Where can I purchase parts for a repair?

To search for parts, purchase parts, or view repair diagrams for your appliance, you can visit local businesses that offer flooring parts. However, if you do not want to be hassled in going to and fro, Charlotte Flooring Installation has its inhouse flooring parts where our contractors and installers can install for you, right away. Our professionals will also give you the best measure and proper advice on what is the best option for your flooring repair. We are your all-in-one flooring service company!

What’s the best way to get the soonest appointment?

Whether it be by calling or scheduling online, you can reach us easily. Our company offers all mediums and modes of communication possible to ensure that we reach our customers on time.  You’ll get the same appointment availability, regardless of whether you book online or call. Booking online is easy, and usually takes less time than calling.

What hours are your call center agents available?

For Repair Services, our agents are available Monday – Sunday business hours. For Home Improvement and flooring installation and repair, our agents and customer service hotline number is available every day, during business hours.

How do I schedule an annual Preventive Maintenance checkup?

If you are worried to have damages occur, especially to commercial environment flooring, do not fret because we provide preventive maintenance checkups twice a year. To schedule an annual Preventative Maintenance checkup on your appliance, call us at our hotline number and we can schedule it for you.

Charlotte Flooring Installation Genius

Charlotte Flooring Installation Genius

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